Saturday, March 1, 2014

Just things

This is a great little documentary. I am sure it will make you smile.

Going to paint today. Time to refresh the living room.

Nice little battle with Putin. This outta turn out well.

Working on a plan to sell the truck and buy a cheaper used vehicle.

Have a sleep study coming up in a couple weeks. That should be interesting.

Was looking at a golden retriever rescue the other day and they had a female about 6 years old, legally blind, that was a great dog. Not getting another dog, yet.

Time to start paint prep.


Anonymous said...

I will save the documentary for later. Looks interesting.
Putin is dangerous if he gets the masses behind him.
Don't blame you for the truck; big trucks ain't cheap to keep.

Mark said...

Putin is a thug. He is going to do whatever he wants.

300.00+ in gas each month is killing me.

Anonymous said...

Yep, great rockumentary.