Saturday, April 20, 2013

Wow wow wow

Just plain crazy and insane. How the hell else can you describe the events from Thursday night through last night. Between listening to the police scanner for Boston PD, Watertown PD, twitter and tv reports I felt like a junky on an information high.

It will be very interesting to seem where this case leads and how this case came to be. It seems that the surviving brother does not fit the mold of what the country thinks of as a terrorist. How these brothers evolved into what they are alleged to have done will be very interesting.

What I found interesting was the willingness of all the people in that area to accept the order to stay in place and not leave their home based on the fact that one man was still at large. What would have happened if you just went out and got in your car and headed out to wherever? Seems like martial law would be very east to impose on the American society. 


Anonymous said...

Stupid Americans still believe in their government and that whatever it does is in the best interests of the country.
Closing Boston was a jaw-dropper, however.

Anonymous said...

We follow these events too, Mark. People from Czeczenia (Polish name of their country) are also in Poland. I think this 19 years old Dżochar liked his American fiends, on the other hand his elder brother had very bad impact on him. It's very sad that such young man (almost boy) turned out to be so dangerous terrorist. It's hard to understand.

Mark said...

The thing that people do not look at is the totality of all these issues.

If they had not closed down everything I suspect he would have been found much sooner.

More eyes on the prize, as they say.

Jola, I think you may be right. he does not seem to fit into any mold that we can think of. We will learn the facts but most likely never understand.