Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Maggie Thatcher called Nelson Mandela a terrorist and supported apartheid in South Africa.
She hated unions and the common working person. Her PR people studied American politics and how they used image making in the press to help foster a good image so she would seem less cold. Looks like it worked for the most part.

It cost me $145.00 to fill both trucks with gas. Ouch.

The democratic mayor of Greensboro just filed bankruptcy. His child support and alimony is $13,000 a month. He seems like a crook. The leadership in Greensboro is absolutely horrible. They all seem like crooks.

Background checks do work. I have seen it in action.  


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the video; if not for Sex Pistols, Johnny Rotten, at. al., A lot of musicians and bands of today would not be around.

I disliked Thatcher almost as much as I did RR.

Ever though about getting a smaller truck just to drive to work?

"Background checks do work. I have seen it in action."
Renowned weapons dealer says background checks work

Mark said...

Yup. love the Sex Pistols. Punk at its finest.

Those two were peas in a pod.

I have thought about many
things including get a small truck or car.

I am sure they would love to hear my opinions.