Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Some days are diamonds, some days are stone

As we remember and try to understand the events in Boston yesterday we need to understand that many parts of the world live with events like this everyday.

It's about time we start to recognize that we are all human beings and stop hating someone who has a different god, language, skin color or a whole host of thing than you do. We are all humans and until we start to recognize that fact events like this will happen and perpetuate more events like this.


Anonymous said...

Timely music for such days as these.
I don't understand; if 5 kids are gunned down in a minority slum tenement in Chicago because someone was pissed over a $25 drug deal, why isn't it front page news and why isn't Obama and stooges giving it much more than lip service? We are one bad fucked up country.

As a nation, we must place ourselves first but as people, we are the same here and in Somalia.

Mark said...

Couldn't have said it better myself.