Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Where do we go from here?

So we can kill Americans without due process now while we also kill many innocents with drones.

We hold human beings in Gitmo for 10 years and have NEVER charged them with ANYTHING and this is legal.

We torture.

We have the NDAA.

We have warrantless wiretapping.

We have heavy infiltration of any group that has any opinions different from government views.

We have a guy go to jail for years for a joint while banks who crashed the economy still walking the street.

We have a prison industrial complex.

We have had stagnant incomes for 30 years while the cost of living increases at an insane rate.

We have freedom?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only cure is to have the constitution restored. The constitution was created so that we would not have to fight our own government with armies.