Sunday, February 24, 2013

This That and The Other

Do not think I could have come up wit this mix.

So I go to Wally World yesterday to get $150.00 worth of meds for Summer and I get to enjoy the wonders of America. I see a woman whose fat roll hung down to her nether region, a woman with that stupid haircut where the hair in back is cut very close and the sides are long, wearing her fake ripped jeans,tons of fake gold and thinking she was hot and two lesbians having a loud shouting love dispute in the parking lot. Hooray for Wally World.

Let the sequestration happen. Like it really fucking matters. Nice how the government trots out all these talking heads from the DOD in a feeble attempt to scare Americans in letting them have more money for their ill fated war on terror. Make the DOD cut 20%, now.

Nice little thunderstorm in the middle of the night. Summer was in a complete panic for a good hour. Glad I did not need that hour of sleep.

So I have spend $775.00 on Summer in the last week. It is so good to be financially insecure and have credit cards.

Fight the Power.


Anonymous said...

Dude! I was at that concert! Far out!

Wally World tries to cover everything, including entertainment. Sometimes when I am shopping there, I see people pointing and making photos of me; I feel honored.

The war on terror is actually a war on America's middle class and poor; We have thousands of military contractors wasting our taxes.

Mark said...

Concert of the year.

Wally always provides a great view of America.

We are getting screwed.