Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sunday Ramblings

How cool is it that this great music is being played at the White House.

Fuck you to the train conductor who insisted that he needed to blow his horn forever and ever and ever and ever at 5 a.m. this morning. Please derail yourself. Thank you.

So I went to a antique/art/salvage store yesterday to look for xmas gifts. Did not seeanything I could afford for gifts. I did see an old easel for $9. I bring it up to the counter and when she rings it up the price is $29.
Sorry for the mistake sir. Do you still want it? Ummm. Not for $29. I leave empty handed.

I went to a used bookstore yesterday. All used books .99 all the time. Sale now 3 for .99. I bought a book by Michael Chabon. Kavalier and Clay, it won a Pulitzer. Then two photography books. One of events from the 1950's and one of pictures from Paris. Good deal.

Watched a documetary this morning, after the train woke me up, called "The Last Days". Very interesting story about the lead singer of an early metal band called "Pentagram". It is about drugs and hopefully some redemption.

Beware of this legislation.

Always good to read.

ribbon going on the house this morning. Then some leaf blowing, shower, fold laundry, glue army men to my mailbox and Christmas shopping.

Enjoy your day. In the 60's here today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll play the video for Sammy when he comes back; he will love it.
Amen to the train conductor.
50's was a good decade for photography; lot of new ideas coming on the scene.