Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Drone on

If a country we are at war with used drones over the U.S. would the U.S. consider that a legal act?
Did you know that the C.I.A. is using drones all over the middle east?
Did you know that the C.I.A. and the D.E.A. are acting as armed forces all over the world.
I guess to be kings of the world we have to kill people and bend them to do things our way or you become expendable.

Watch out, you are being watched by our own government. Are you the next drone attack?

Crazy mid 70's here yesterday. Seemed like spring.
The sky was a wild blue at sunset last night. It was amazing.

Time for toast.


Anonymous said...

Drone thy neighbor.
In the name holy oil, I drone thee.

I fear our government more each day; hope you will consider running as a third party candidate for a local or state office in next election.

Mark said...

Did you hear Dallas swat had a drone crash while showing it to the media.

I should run for some office.