Saturday, December 15, 2012

As we weep

As we weep as a nation today we need to look with ourselves for some real answers. The numbers above are so staggeringly disproportionate I find it hard to understand how anyone can look at those numbers and not be morally outraged.

The NRA will have you believe that if more people had guns and carried them there would be less gun violence. Lets tell the truth here. That is complete and utter garbage. To believe that is completely delusional.
They also like to cloak themselves with the flag and God. The flag issue really is a false flag argument. As for God I only ask this. Would Jesus Christ and his disciples have used guns to murder Judas or the Romans and Jews would who urged Pontius Pilate to hang Jesus. I think the answer to that question is no. Jesus was preaching peace and love. Go back and read your bible for what it is, not what you want it to be.

Why do we as a nation just accept the glorification of violence in our society?

How many Americans who are crying today even care that events like this go on in Iraq and Afghanistan on a regular basis with weapons or materials made by corporations based in the United States.


Anonymous said...

Armed freedom is not freedom. Good post, my friend.

Anonymous said...

It happens also in Europe despite the fact that we can't have a gun and most of us don't know how to use it. Please read about Breivik
It's a great tragedy. I'm so sorry that it happened my American friends.

Mark said...

The ultimate problem is not guns but the culture of violence that is such an accepted part of American life.

Without changing that gun control means nothing.

Our country was born from war and it goes on today.