Monday, November 19, 2012


I watched the documentary "Marwencol" yesterday. Very fascinating story. The photography is amazing. We can all do art is we set our minds to it.

When is the U.S. and the rest of the world going to stop giving Israel as pass on keeping the Palestinians hostages, prisoners, slaves in their own lands. That is the reason the keep sending missiles into Israel. They are being held captive. What would you do?

Nice win by the Bucs yesterday.

The Sport Trac is for sale, $4500.00. In the yard  with a sign on it, Craigslist tomorrow.

Nice short week. We are open Friday. I will not participate in that task.

I need some pumpkin pie with whipped cream.


Anonymous said...

IO gotta watch that documentary.
I like punkin pie but no whipped cream; got to watch my figure.

Mark said...

It is a pretty cool doc.

I like a little pumpkin pie woth or without whipped cream. They both work.