Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Justify your job

So everybody at work received their reviews on Friday and as I expected we all got poor reviews. We were all told that they have been doing the reviews wrong for the last seven years.
What a load of crap. Seven years and they all have been wrong until the new Vice President does them, imagine that.

We are doing more with a lot less employees, I am now doing the same job I have been doing plus the the job of the person who ran the retail store and half of the job of the shipping and receiving person. They do not like the fact that I work my hours and have only missed one day of work last year too illness.. My crime, not working overtime. So I get a 71 out of 100 because I do not work overtime. I miss one day, am not late, do not always take a full lunch and I get penalized. Thank you. Also one raise in 4 years. Show me some love.

Maybe you need to give us some respect instead of beating us down all the time. We do not stay late because you do not recognize it.

Off to work now.


Anonymous said...

Man that is a real pisser, and they know they have most of the employees by the balls in this economy. A union would not stand for such crap. May be time to put that move to the west coast on the front burner; Portland OR seems to be a nice progressive city.

If this work situation does pick back up, your bosses will be hiring anyone they can get to try and replace workers like you that gave them a "performance review".

I've worked at only one company that had performance reviews; it is all too much like being married.

Mark said...

Yea it is a little depressing that none of us get any real respect.

I think I am at a crossroad. My mid-life crisis. LOL.