Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Rude people suck

So tonight on my way home from work I stopped at CVS to pick up some cough medicine, for a cold that will not go away, and while waiting to get checked out some bitchy lady starts bitching to the cashier because she had to wait too long. She was just rude to this girl. Listen lady, the girl is a 16 or 17 year high school student doing her best to earn some money. If you have a complaint you need to direct it at the manager. There is no need to be rude to a high school student trying to earn an income because first of all the problem is not created by them and secondly they really do not give a shit when somebody like you talks rudely to them and is demeaning to them. So while you were standing there huffing and puffing everyone else thought you made an asshole of yourself. So do us all a favor and go play in traffic for a bit.

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