Monday, December 8, 2008

Car Czar

Really do we need another Czar. Not one of them has done a damm thing to make me feel any better. A bullshit job for somebody who can blow a lot of hot air and make people who do not pay real attention happy.

Give GM the money, give Ford the line of credit in case they need the money and fuck Chrysler.
Let Ceruberus, the private company, bail themselves out or sell the damm company. We need the auto industry to survive or the economy is totally doomed.

Time to watch out for your fellow citizens. They may need your help and will not ask for it. Just be there for them when the time comes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just read Robert Reich's latest blog entry. He has a decent idea on the auto bailout, at least it will keep them afloat and not put all the burden on the taxpayers.