Friday, December 5, 2008

My week in review

So this week I was away at a trade show and international Swat team competition. this is a pretty interesting show. One thing was very evident this year. The economy sucks. There were far less teams competing and far less foot traffic at the trade show. All the vendors were commenting on this and expect things too be tough for some time. The only dealers that are seeing good to excellent sales are dealers selling high powered rifles like the AR. A lot of people expect some kind of crazy shit to go down in the near future.

Well it looks like the auto industry is going to get a bailout, finally. They need it because they actually make something we use and need as a country. They are much more important to the United States than AIG and the others who have received our tax dollars.
Here is Jon Stewart's take on this. It really is the truth in the whole thing.

Although the case was a bullshit case it looks like OJ is getting his payback for committing murder. Now maybe all this can finally go away.

I saw gas tonight for $1.59 a gallon. How low can we go? I hope it goes lower so I can take more roadtrips. :)

With gas getting low when will we see food prices start to drop. It does not seem like that is happening. I bet they stay high. Will the grocery stores will just take the profits and leave prices high.

That's it for now. I actually watched very little news this past week and am much happier for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congress "should" place a gas surcharge on the car companies for cars that don't get "X" miles per gal. They would have to pass the surcharge on to the buyers, and it might make them think twice before purchasing.

Our gas prices have gone from $1.57 to $1.65. Service stations are making more $$ now than when gas was $4. Folks can go in and buy extra stuff now.

I don't think it is the grocery stores as much as it is the wholesalers and middle-men.