Monday, February 9, 2015

With people in this band how the hell did I never hear of them till today and only because I am using Shazam on my iphone.

Will somebody please punch Kany West in his pouty looking face. He is the poster boy showing money does not make you happy. Douche

So the Grammy for Heavy Metal performance went to Tenacious D. What the fuck is that all about?
They are not a real band.

So gas has gone up 20 to 30 cents a gallon in the last 10 days. What?



Anonymous said...

Good band. I never knew about them either.

I don't know who K. West is but you are the second blogger I've read today who is after his ass. I will google him.

Do you remember who beat out Metallica in grammys the first time around? Not much surprises me after that.

Mark said...

Kanye is a spoiled rich asshole with talent and no class.

Was that the Jethro Tull win?

Anonymous said...

Yep. Grammys lost a lot of respect that night.