Friday, November 22, 2013

The season begins

Gibsonville has the lighting of the tree on the green tonight and the business's in town have snacks for everyone. Kind of fun and neat.

Sold the two models on Ebay for $131.00, cost $20.

Work sucks.

50 years ago today the world changed. Gotta wonder where we would be today if Kennedy has not been murdered.

Afghanistan for another 10 years. WTF.


Anonymous said...

Gibsonville seems like a very nice town.I liked JFK; it really was a time of Camelot in my young life. I think Robert woukld have been a greater president than John. He would have had John's experiences to draw from plus his own compassion for regular people.
Obama sure is going to have a great legacy with the fiascos of Afghanistan and Obama care.

Mark said...

The odd thing is that Bobby was hated by many people, he was not that nice, until his brother was killed.

It took a tragedy for him to see people in a different light.

Uggh for Obama.