Thursday, November 14, 2013

Back to the blog

So I bought a Lenovo laptop. It would be great except it has Windows 8 which is a piece of crap. Who the fuck came up with this system, an infiltrator from Apple?

I found out the new healthcare plan on Monday. Sounds shitty from the prelim news so far.

Sold the old binoculars on ebay for $138.50. Sold two of the three items I have listed so far.
Need a 1962 Yankees pennant?

Some of my old friends from my college days found me, through the web, the other day. Great to get back in touch with them. We were thick as thieves. Can't wait till we get to see each other again.

Off to Food Lion for some food for me fat self.


Anonymous said...

I have a Lenovo laptop in my Amazon cart but it has Win7 on it. Maybe.

Some great names on the '62 Yankee roster. Pennant should sell quickly.

Mark said...

It is good except for Win8. I'll make some change and it will be fine for the most part.

The pennant did not sell yet but I have a model car that will sell for $75.00 min. Paid $10 for it.

Woo Hoo. With one more decent sale the laptop is paid for.