Monday, November 4, 2013

no title

Seems the Affordable Care Act is becoming a big problem. Too many people are going to be paying more.

My back is quite stiff this morning. I aldo have a headache. A sinus headache. Gonna buy a humidifier for the winter.

Had a goat burger yesterday. Yummy. Very yummy.

Have you been reading about Rob Ford the mayor of Toronto. What a piece of work this guy is.

Bye, coffee time.


Anonymous said...

The health act was do0omed from day one because there was no public option safety net. I don't understand why big insurance fought it so hard because like the prescription drug act, it is going to be a cash cow.
The goat begs to differ.
Ford looks and acts like Rush.

Mark said...

It is a poorly designed law at best.
You are correct in calling it a cash cow.

Yea, the goat was likely not so happy with my choice.

Ford still has a 44% favorability rating.