Sunday, November 23, 2008


I took a few days away from blogging and here are some observations and questions I have.

Why has gas gone down so much? Do you really believe that demand world wide has dropped so much that a barrel of oil is now below fifty dollars. I think the price was manipulated up to its high and it is being manipulated now. I hope oil companies are storing up reserves so the next time prices are out of control the market can be flooded with cheap oil.

How come the leaders of AIG and the others who have recieved the bulk of the bailout were not asked how they got to Washington. Do you think they flew commercial? How come they did not ask them to come back with a plan on how they plan to spend the bailout money they were going to recieve?

Why do the democrats have chickenshit leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid leading the party in the house and senate? They have no guts and they actually act like republicans.
They do not stand up for the common man and if they do not get off their ass they will voted out of office next time. I bet if you take a poll of democrats around the country and asked "Do you think Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are doing a good job leading the party?" the answer would be a big NO. They are both big wind bags who are masters of spinning and lying.

Some of us are starting to wonder where the "Change" is in the Obama administration. Seems like a lot of the same old people to me. I could be wrong. I and many others were hoping that the cabinet would be a mix of new and old.


Anonymous said...

The demand for gas hasn't dropped, nor has production increased a lot. We were gouged from the well-heads to our gas tanks. It was a major test by the oil companies to see how much we would stand before squealing. Watch out!

Our politicians are so scared of losing their well paid and highly perked jobs they have to be forced to make any changes that will do economic harm to their big contributors. Pelosi and Reid are talking heads for big business. At least Bush didn't sneak around to do his evil like are Congressional leaders are doing.

Mark said...

The whole gas things is crazy. Yesterday I heard an economist say it is actually a bad thing that prices have dropped so much because it indicates how bad the econony is. I say bs. It indicated how prices are controlled by the Saudis and others.

Norm said...

The price of gas was largely driven by the commodities market ... and now that the economy has tanked those dollars are being shifted to gold.