Monday, November 10, 2008

DHL you suck

You have to feel for the folks in Wilmington, Ohio. With the 9500 jobs that are being lost because DHL is closing you have to wonder how the town will survive. The economy will thin the herd this holiday season. I suspect there will be more companies that will go under because of mounting debt. Circuit City is on the verge again. They have already let 7500 people go and now they have filed bankruptcy. They will be next to go away. I do not see how they survive.

Obama will have to have a pretty aggressive plan to fix things and it will need to be enacted very fast. I wonder what the plan will mean for the everyday working family.

American Express has now become a bank in order to survive and AIG keeps sucking more money from the bailout plan. At some point we need to stop giving AIG so much money and split the company up. THey now have recieved over 150 billion. Seems a little much in my opinion.


Anonymous said...

This election and economic situation has given me a new gripe about the present system. We need to get the new administration in office and at work within 30 days of the election. Unless of course the new administration is Republican which shouldn't be sworn in for four years and twenty-nine days!

At best, how long will it take to see any kind of recovery begin? In place of an election, we need a revolution to get W out of office asap. Every minute counts!

Mark said...

I am afraid the recovery is going to be long and painful. This holiday season will thin the herd in the retail world.

I agree on getting the administration into office within 30 days.