Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Opinions Rants and Raves

The U.S. should have loaned Iceland the 6 billion dollars it needed for their bailout. The goodwill generated from this would have proved to be very valuable.

The world needs to get their Navy's together and go over to the Somalian coast and put an end to all those pirates. How do we let this continue?

How do we continue to let Darfur happen?

We need to lift the embargo against Cuba. We can do business with China and have an Embargo against Cuba. The last vote to keep the embargo was 179-4. Voting to keep the embargo are, The United States, Israel, Palau and the Marshal Islands. What the hell do Palau and the Marshal Islands have against Cuba. I guess maybe if the vote against the U.S. they can have any more shows on Survivor.

Why isn't Florida one of the states leading the way in solar technology. We are the Sunshine State.

How come the United States completely ignores all the very poor people of rural America?

The reason the economy is such a mess is, allegedly, because of the credit crunch. Well if that is the case then why are we trying to fix things so people can get more credit. Maybe if credit is not easy to get then people will not spend money they can not afford to spend. More credit right now leads down the credit crunch path again. I say very soon.

I think housing prices need to fall all whole bunch more before they are actually at the right level.

Why are some so paranoid they are buying guns and ammunition at alarming rates.

Why are there so many rude people?

Why is Kmart open on Thanksgiving? Oh yeah, they do not give a shit about their employees.

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