Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Kid with Stones

So I spent last weekend with kidney stones.

They hurt so bad I went to the hospital at 3a.m. I was not expecting it to be stones. But I had two of them. Yea, for me.

Mike and Tammy have sold their house and moved into a trailer on Tammy's brothers property until they buy a house.

Christ I just saw some cobwebs that must have been here for a while. Amazing what the sun brings out in the house.

Who wants to paint my house?

What the heck is the deal with this cold as heck weather. This weeks looks to have some days with single digit numbers for lows, again. When it gets that cold the house gets very cold and I have to leave water running so the pipes do not freeze.

Watch Ebay, some good books coming to Ebay today.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know some of the pain you went through. I passed seven stones over a period of five years.
I hope Tammy and Mike take their time and get the right house.
I don't paint.
Last winter was one of the warmest and this will probably be one of the coldest.