Friday, March 28, 2014


Where is the plane? It seems like they are clueless.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Last blast

A Greensboro area band.

So my sleep study went poorly. Slept worse than usual.

Looks like we may get some snow or slush today for a last blast of winter.

My parents will be here Friday.

Living room 99% repainted. Curtains going up tonight.

Sell everything. Start over. Everything.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Ice Ice

Nice version. The vocals of Joe Lynn and Candace work well together and of course Ritchie's guitar work is great.

So we are having an ice, slush, freezing rain and wind storm. Heard several trees falling around the hood and at least on transformer blow up. It has been going for around 12 hours.

Going to be in the 60's this weekend.

Here are a couple cool websites for your viewing pleasure.

Test drove a car yesterday. Did not feel like it was the one.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Weather is weird

Lucky">">Lucky Riders
from imogene">">imogene + willie on Vimeo.">Vimeo.>
So yesterday it was in the low 70's and was 56 at 6 a.m. this morning, at 1 p.m. it was sleeting and at 2:30 I was on my way home. Woo Hoo. Weird.

I think you will like this video. Found it surfing.

Bought a new sofa today for $300.00. It was a market sample. I put my old pos couch outside on the curb yesterday. It was gone very quick.

Hopefully the living room will be completely repainted by Saturday.   

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Just things

This is a great little documentary. I am sure it will make you smile.

Going to paint today. Time to refresh the living room.

Nice little battle with Putin. This outta turn out well.

Working on a plan to sell the truck and buy a cheaper used vehicle.

Have a sleep study coming up in a couple weeks. That should be interesting.

Was looking at a golden retriever rescue the other day and they had a female about 6 years old, legally blind, that was a great dog. Not getting another dog, yet.

Time to start paint prep.