Monday, October 21, 2013

I need a band aid

This video makes me happy......................................

So as of right now there is a potential that our health care costs are going to rise 44%. WTF is that all about. Sounds like some profit taking by United Healthcare. What bullshit.

Nice job getting the Affordable Healthcare website up and running. You would have figured three years would have been enough time to get it beta tested and running. Pathetic is being much to kind.

Only had 265 emails when I went back to work today. I figured I would have close to 400. All good.


Anonymous said...

Love the video.
I am waiting to see how all this Obama care vs private care comes out. Big Ins. is going to do everything they can to cause the law to fail.

Mark said...

I have been hearing lots of people saying they are seeing and hearing of 40% increases.

Nice to be getting screwed.