Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Have you noticed that the ads are getting longer on  youtube?

1 in 9 bridges in America are unsafe. When do we start to fix them?

Going to take the truck to Carmax today and see what they think it is worth.

Have you seen the protests in Brazil?

When will that happen here?

Looks like a lovely day today. Finally no  rain.

Summer solstice is coming.


Anonymous said...

1. Have you noticed that the ads are getting longer on youtube?

2. 1 in 9 bridges in America are unsafe. When do we start to fix them?

3. Going to take the truck to Carmax today and see what they think it is worth.

4. Have you seen the protests in Brazil?

5. When will that happen here?

6. Looks like a lovely day today. Finally no rain.

7. Summer solstice is coming.

1. Yes
2. When #5 happens
3. You serious about getting smaller car or truck?
4. Yes
5. Never; Americans are fooled fools
6. Unsettled weather here; hot and humid
7. Hard to believe year half gone

Mark said...

I was looking to see how much I could get if I sold it myself.
Somewhere from 17 to 19 grand is what I figure and that is what Carmax confirmed. They would give me 13,000. So 17 grand is a god number.

Crazy that half the year is gone.